Case Study: Volvo – Always Put People First

Companies tend to act, react and form strategies with their competitors in mind. At LHBS, we believe that companies should pay less attention to the competition and more attention to customer needs. How a company ranks against its competitors, is increasingly being defined by how close a company is to its customers.

In our newest case study, we would like to present Volvo and list its activities aimed at bringing value to their customers.

“We come from a different place
So we think about cars in a different way. It’s in our nature.
To challenge how things are made.
And to always put people first.”

“Putting people first” lies at the heart of the company and is proven successful through rising numbers of sales volumes and profit gained by the car manufacturer.

Volvo promises to “always put people first” and it is being manifested through all activities: core product innovation, added-value services, shopping experience, and communication. We believe that any business or brand can create value for its customers in those four interrelated but distinctive areas.

Explore our newest Case Study and get inspired on how to innovate on Customer Value Proposition.

The New Normal.

The COVID-19 outbreak is a new global reality that arrived fast and unexpectly, resulting in the birth of completely unfamiliar business context. With the beginning of the new calendar and fiscal years, businesses have seen their plans for 2020 become obsolete over the course of a few weeks. Undoubtedly as part of immediate crisis management, business leaders are coping with today but also revising plans, projections and priorities for what many are calling the ‘New Normal’.