The Near Future Of Retail

Many experts and industry pundits are predicting the demise of retail in the face of digitalization. But the notion of ‘Pure Play’ has failed.

Digital only and brick and mortar only retailers are on the decline, many purely e-retailers going out of business altogether. The largest retailer in the world, Amazon, is investing in traditional brick and mortar outlets. The fact is, stores are the ‘new black.’

One of the biggest opportunities for traditional retailers of all types is creating a unique and sought after customer experience. Customer experience can be applied to better, quicker and more efficient processes or to immersive, truly experiential events enabled by exciting newly emerging or maturing technologies.

The New Normal.

The COVID-19 outbreak is a new global reality that arrived fast and unexpectly, resulting in the birth of completely unfamiliar business context. With the beginning of the new calendar and fiscal years, businesses have seen their plans for 2020 become obsolete over the course of a few weeks. Undoubtedly as part of immediate crisis management, business leaders are coping with today but also revising plans, projections and priorities for what many are calling the ‘New Normal’.